Test Page 1

Make the window smaller to see how each of these respond to small device screens. Obviously the lower one where we used CSS does a much better job.

This is a pix that was edited in the Shopify Image Editor with text. I did not know Shopify had this. Go to Settings, Files, click on a picture, click Edit. This pix is uploaded as sky-3.jpg. Note: The text here gets embedded in the graphic so we can't style it with CSS. 


This is a pix that we imposed text over via CSS in code. The pix is uploaded as sky-2.jpg:

This is some text that is centered via CSS!!!! :-)
This is a second line.

This is a thrid line, a new paragraph. We can style all of this text via CSS if we want.

Here are instructions:

In tempor cursus est vel semper. Proin sed molestie arcu. Etiam aliquam mauris sit amet sem eleifend porttitor. Aliquam aliquam, purus id posuere ultrices, diam est commodo libero, pulvinar egestas neque erat sit amet urna. Integer id pulvinar orci, quis rhoncus est. Pellentesque ornare, mauris ac consectetur ullamcorper, risus elit placerat purus, et posuere nisi risus ut libero. Sed pulvinar eget justo vitae volutpat. Nulla lacinia scelerisque dolor vel viverra.